If you don’t see your question answered, please feel free to contact us!
How can I help the Green Bay Shoe Closet?
As an individual, the two ways to help the Shoe Closet are to donate or offer connections and skills you have. Details can be found on the “Individual Support” page.
If you are interested in donating shoes, they can be dropped off at the East High School front office. If this doesn’t work for you, please contact us.
Corporations can support the Green Bay Shoe Closet by donating money or by offering in-kind donations in the form of free services. For more information, visit the “Corporate Support” page.
What’s next for the Shoe Closet?
We are currently looking at the prospect of expanding to other high school running programs in the Green Bay Area Public Schools. We are working on getting the connections and funds necessary to make this happen. This expansion would greatly expand the scope of the Green Bay Shoe Closet, allowing us to empower every young runner of poverty in Green Bay high schools.
Will the Shoe Closet expand to other sports?
Currently, we focus on long-distance running, both in track and cross country. With sufficient resources, we would love to expand to other sports, but for the foreseeable future, we will stay on long-distance running.
Can I donate a pair of shoes?
If you have already bought a pair, then yes! Drop them off at the East High School front office or contact us for details on how to get the shoes to us. The shoes must be new running shoes, or racing spikes in good condition. However, if you have not yet bought the shoes, the most efficient way to use money for shoes would be to donate it. Then, we can use our discounts from local shoe representatives to get quality new running shoes at a cheap price.